jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

América hacia una economía de bajo carbono

Es el foco de la Asociación de Biocombustibles Avanzados

Sus 46 miembros usan diversas tecnologías :  Catálisis, Celulósica (Gasificacion,  Hidrólisis Acida, Enzimática), Fermentación, Gasificación , Hidrólisis, Hidroprocesamiento, Biología Sintética .
Producen :  biodiesel, biogas, butanol, bioetanol, Ether ETBE, MTBE, aceite crudo renovado, diesel renovado-hydrocarbon, jet renovable, gasolina renovable (gasolina sintética).

Utilizan como materias primas  : algas, grasa animal, maiz, pasto (biomasa lignocelulosa), residuos municipales solidos, azúcar, aceite vegetal,  madera (licor negro).


14 julio 2013

Advanced biofuels are produced using unique technologies and processes that transform a wide range of plant, waste, and cellulosic molecules into hydrocarbon molecules like those produced at conventional refineries.

The ABFA has 46 member companies, representing a wide range of technologies, feedstocks, and molecules within the advanced biofuels industry. Our members are developing and commercializing their technologies to provide renewable, lower carbon fuels that will move our nation closer to achieving energy and economic security.

The ABFA supports and advocates for public policies that are technology neutral, utilize sustainable feedstocks, and offer subsidy parity to ensure all viable advanced biofuels can compete with the benefit of a level playing field. We engage government at all levels to secure support for the advanced biofuels industry, allowing our member companies to commercialize their technologies and bring products to market that are competitive and compatible with petroleum based fuels and byproducts.

Our members utilize algae, catalytic processes, gasification, synthetic biology, hydro processing, and fermentation just to name a few technology platforms. Some have the ability to utilize existing facilities with some modifications, while others combine process technologies to make a range of new fuels and products at competitive prices with today's oil based economy.

Many of the finished products will be hydrocarbon-based molecules that are fungible and can be used seamlessly in cars, trucks, buses, planes, boats and trains. These advanced fuels are consumer ready and do not require significant changes to our current infrastructure, such as separate pumps, new flex fuel cars, or pipelines.The fuels that our member companies produce are as energy dense as their petroleum-based counterparts. The United States currently imports 9.667 million barrels of oil per day (EIA). We are committed to bringing high quality fuels that achieve the dual goals of backing out foreign oil while reducing carbon emissions right here at home

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