lunes, 1 de julio de 2013

Banco Mundial, precios de combustibles y de alimentos

Estudio indica indica que precios de combustibles son los mayores responsables de los altos precios de los alimentos.

Sugiere que para contener las alzas de precios de alimentos debemos controlar los precios de los combustibles.  


World Bank Study Confirms Oil Prices Biggest Driver of Food Costs

A recent study by the World Bank, Long-Term Drivers of Food Prices, confirms that oil prices are the biggest contributor to rising food prices.
Using data from 1960-2012, the study applied an economic model to five food commodities -- maize/corn, wheat, rice, soybeans and palm oil.  It examined the impact of a number of food-price drivers including energy prices, exchange rates, interest rates, inflation, income and a stocks-to-use ratio (a ratio of the available food stocks compared to consumption).
The analysis showed that oil prices were significantly more influential than the next-most influential factor, the stocks-to-use ratio.  
Petroleum is used in all aspects of the production and distribution of food -- from fertilizer production, to powering farm equipment, to packaging and processing food, to transporting the final product to consumers.  The report suggests that to stem rising food prices, we must control oil prices.
You can find the full report here.

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